Robotic Pyeloplasty

Robotic pyeloplasty requires a hospital stay. The surgery may take 2 to 3 hours. Procedures may vary depending on your condition and your healthcare provider’s practices.

  • You will be asked to remove any jewelry or other objects that might get in the way during surgery.

  • You will be asked to remove your clothing and will be given a gown to wear.

  • An IV (intravenous) line will be put in your arm or hand.

  • Before and after the surgery, you may get antibiotics to prevent infection.

  • You will be placed on an operating table.

  • You will be given anesthesia. This will put you into a deep, sleep-like state for the procedure.

  • A thin tube (catheter) will be placed into your bladder through the urethra. This drains urine during the surgery and for a time afterward.

  • The surgeon will make several tiny cuts (incisions) in your belly.

  • The surgeon will insert several precision-guided robotic arms into these incisions. These arms hold and manipulate tiny tools to do the required tasks. A tiny video camera will also be inserted. It gives a magnified, 3-D image of the operating site.

  • The surgeon will sit at a nearby computer console. On the screen, they will see continuous, highly magnified images of the surgical area. Using the computer, the surgeon will control the robotic tools in real time.

  • The surgeon will find and examine the obstructed area. If part of the ureter is damaged, that part is removed. The lower cut end of the ureter will then be joined to the renal pelvis using stitches. In some cases the ureter and kidney are both cut. Part of the kidney is then used to widen the ureter.

  • If a blood vessel is pressing on the ureter, it will be moved away.

  • If you have kidney stones due to the UPJ blockage, these will be removed.

  • A long, thin, plastic tube (called a ureteral stent) will be put inside the ureter. This is to help hold the ureter open while it heals. It will stay in place for several weeks after surgery.

  • In some cases, a surgical drain may be put into your belly. This collects and drains excess fluid.

  • When the repair is done, the robotic tools and camera will be removed.

  • The small incisions on your belly will be closed. Bandages will be applied.

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